
Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component

BackJul 27, 2022
Announcement Title Capital Distribution
Date & Time of Broadcast Jul 27, 2022 7:41
Status New
Corporate Action Reference SG220727CAPDNZMC
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Chong Kee Hiong
Designation Director
Dividend/ Distribution Number Not Applicable
Dividend/ Distribution Period 01/04/2022 TO 30/06/2022
Number of Days 91
Event Narrative
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Additional Text Suntec REIT has announced a distribution of 2.419 cents per unit in Suntec REIT for the period of 1 April 2022 to 30 June 2022, comprising a taxable income component of 1.607 cents per unit, a tax-exempt income component of 0.612 cents per unit and a capital distribution of 0.200 cents per unit.
Taxation Conditions Please see attached.
Event Dates
Record Date and Time 04/08/2022 17:00:00
Ex Date 03/08/2022
Disbursement Details
Cash Payment Details
Payment Type Tax Not Applicable
Gross Rate (per share) SGD 0.002
Net Rate (per share) SGD 0.002
Pay Date 29/08/2022
Gross Rate Status Actual Rate

Applicable for REITs/ Business Trusts/ Stapled Securities


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