
Date Title
31 May 2023 Sustainability Report 2022
16 May 2023 Minutes Of Annual General Meeting Held On 20 April 2023
8 May 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Change In Interest Of Substantial Unitholder - ARA Real Estate Investors 22 Pte. Ltd.
26 Apr 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest / Changes In Interest Of Trustee - Manager/ Responsible Person
26 Apr 2023 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component
26 Apr 2023 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Tax-Exempt Income Component
26 Apr 2023 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Taxable Income Component
26 Apr 2023 Presentation Slides And Press Release - Business Updates For The Quarter Ended 31 March 2023
24 Apr 2023 Entry Into Sustainability-Linked Loan Facility And Disclosure Pursuant To Rule 704(31) Of The SGX-ST Listing Manual
20 Apr 2023 Establishment Of The Nominating And Remuneration Committee
20 Apr 2023 Amendments To The Trust Deed - The Third Party Fee Supplement To The Trust Deed
20 Apr 2023 Results Of The Annual General Meeting Held On 20 April 2023
20 Apr 2023 Annual General Meeting On 20 April 2023 - Responses To The Substantial And Relevant Questions
6 Apr 2023 Date For Release Of Suntec REIT's Business Updates For First Quarter Ended 31 March 2023
29 Mar 2023 Annual Reports And Related Documents
29 Mar 2023 Notice Of Annual General Meeting
1 Mar 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Change In Interest Of Substantial Unitholders - ARA
20 Jan 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest / Changes In Interest Of Trustee - Manager/ Responsible Person
20 Jan 2023 Notice Of Valuation Of Real Assets - Property Valuations
20 Jan 2023 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component

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