
Date Title
23 Aug 2022 Presentation Slides For Citi-SGX-REITAS REITS/Sponsors Forum 2022
29 Jul 2022 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest Of Substantial Unitholder - ARA Real Estate Investors XIII Limited
28 Jul 2022 Replace - Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component
28 Jul 2022 Replace - Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Tax-Exempt Income Component
28 Jul 2022 Replace - Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Taxable Income Component
27 Jul 2022 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest / Changes In Interest Of Trustee - Manager/ Responsible Person
27 Jul 2022 Notice Of Valuation Of Real Assets - Property Valuations
27 Jul 2022 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component
27 Jul 2022 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Tax-Exempt Income Component
27 Jul 2022 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Taxable Income Component
27 Jul 2022 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Half Yearly Results
4 Jul 2022 Replace - Date For Release Of Suntec REIT's Financial Statements For The Half Year Ended 30 June 2022
1 Jul 2022 Date For Release Of Suntec REIT's Financial Statements For The Half Year Ended 30 June 2022
23 Jun 2022 ESR Group & REITs Corporate Access Day
8 Jun 2022 Citi Pan-Asia Regional Investor Conference 2022
7 Jun 2022 UBS OneASEAN Conference 2022
31 May 2022 Sustainability Report 2021
30 May 2022 SGX-Yuanta Securities Non-Deal Roadshow
13 May 2022 BNP Paribas Singapore Property Days
11 May 2022 LH Fund Webinar - Asian REITs: Time To Invest Now

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