
Date Title
8 Oct 2020 Acquisition Of 50.0% Interest in Two Grade A Office Buildings With Ancillary Retail In Victoria, West End, London, United Kingdom
9 Sep 2020 Financial Results For The First Half Year Ended 30 June 2020 - CITIC CLSA Flagship Investors' Forum
25 Aug 2020 Citi-REITAS-SGX C-Suite Singapore REITS And Sponsors Forum 2020
3 Aug 2020 Distribution Per Unit - Tax-Exempt Income Distribution
3 Aug 2020 Distribution Per Unit - Taxable Income Distribution
24 Jul 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interests Of Director
23 Jul 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person
23 Jul 2020 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Tax-Exempt Income Component
23 Jul 2020 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Taxable Income Component
23 Jul 2020 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Half Yearly Results
3 Jul 2020 Date For Release Of Suntec REIT's Ffinancial Statements For The Half Year Ended 30 June 2020
1 Jul 2020 Capital Injection By Suntec REIT Into The Entities Which Hold Suntec Singapore International Convention And Exhibition Centre
23 Jun 2020 Citi Asia-Pacific Property Conference - 1Q 2020 Update
22 Jun 2020 Minutes Of Annual General Meeting Held On 16 June 2020
16 Jun 2020 Results Of The Annual General Meeting Held On 16 June 2020
16 Jun 2020 Annual General Meeting On 16 June 2020 - Responses To The Substantial And Relevant Questions
2 Jun 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Shareholder(s) Of Unlisted Trustee Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest Of Shareholder Of Unlisted Trustee-Manager
2 Jun 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interests Of Director
29 May 2020 Sustainability Report 2019
28 May 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Shareholder(s) Of Unlisted Trustee Manager/ Responsible Person - Cessation Of Interests Of Shareholders Of Unlisted Trustee-Manager

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