
Date Title
28 May 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Cessation Of Interests Of Substantial Unitholders
27 May 2020 Debt - Listing Confirmation - S$200,000,000 2.6% Notes Due 2025
22 May 2020 Notice Of Annual General Meeting
21 May 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest Of Substantial Unitholder
20 May 2020 Citi Pan Asia Regional Investor Conference - 1Q 2020 Update
19 May 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest Of Substantial Unitholder
19 May 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Cessation Of Interest Of A Substantial Unitholder
19 May 2020 Issue Of S$200,000,000 2.60 Per Cent. Notes Due 2025 Under The US$1,500,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme
12 May 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest Of Substantial Unitholder
11 May 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest Of Substantial Unitholder
30 Apr 2020 Distribution Per Unit - Tax-Exempt Income Distribution
30 Apr 2020 Distribution Per Unit - Taxable Income Distribution
29 Apr 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest Of Substantial Unitholder
22 Apr 2020 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person
22 Apr 2020 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Tax-Exempt Income Component
22 Apr 2020 Notice Of Record & Distribution Payment Date - Taxable Income Component
22 Apr 2020 Presentation Slides And Press Release - Updates For The Period Ended 31 March 2020
9 Apr 2020 Annual Reports And Related Documents
6 Apr 2020 Use Of Proceeds
6 Apr 2020 Completion Of Acquisition Of 100% Interest In A Freehold Grade A Office Building At 21 Harris Street, Pyrmont, Sydney, Australia

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